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My Keep on going Spiritual journey

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • This is a personal journey of self-discovery and understanding the universe through inner work, where I explore the power of self-love, healing, and meditation.
  • The journey involves questioning your existence, understanding the interconnectedness of everything, and working on your mindset to connect with a higher power.
  • Through practices like meditation, journaling, yoga, and mindful eating, I strive to cultivate a positive mindset and find purpose in my life.

I am going to write my heart out, this is not ending journey and not everyone can experience it not even everyone can choose this path. I am lucky enough to be the part of it. It was never my choice if I may say, its just happened to be this way.

What I believe is everyone get a chance to experience but I can’t justify my believe on this statement either. Its not a simple way to live your life but it is also not going to be easy. Its ride of rollercoaster if you really wanna called, but that is not even a best way to describe because everyone’s experience is different on this path, but the one thing they can relate is that life will kick you to the point that you will question your existence, which leads to shift in your thoughts towards the life generally world. You can no longer think the way ordinary person does. You will start to understand the power your words and imagination hold and try to understand how the actual universe works.

Its being a long journey for me and I still working on it and I believe there is lot more to understand that I don’t know about. Fundamental rule of understanding the Universe is start from within, work on selflove, work on your inner wounds, heal your soul , the traumas. That you don’t even believe sometimes you hold. As, I mentioned it is a long path to work on, but it is so much more beautiful place to live in that you can ever experience with the luxury life.

Changes you may notice within you specifically are : that you will going to love spending your time alone, going to see everything in different point of view, will going to question everything and try to find the answer, you will going to understand more of your heart desire’s and always trying to find the purpose of your soul or your existence on this planet, urge to help the others these are some basic changes that you may find in the beginning of this journey, but that is not hold.

The huge difference that I am able to experience is that there is nothing that you can called a coincidence. Every single thing that is around you or within you its all energy, the way Universe works is so magical. I used to question myself that how come people ask for help or answers of their prays from Universe or Highest power, how they actually communicate to the God to understand what is the answer? I realized that its not the word that we need to communicate. It is the energy, the intention, and the intuitive power which will help us to connect to the higher power and to work on that you need to work on your mindset and practice some activities like meditation.

When I was a kid, in school my yoga teacher used to force us to do meditation and I always end up feeling lazy and sleepy by the end of the session, I always felt it is boring activity to do, never in my life I ever thought I am gonna say that if something really works that helps you to calm down your soul from any kind of pressure is going to be meditation. Now its become the part of my daily routine, even though I don’t have any fix timing to practice. Some other activity that help you to stay connected with urself is journaling, it sounds boring but really effective way to stay in touch with urself. I believe it is a way to check on yourself, people who don’t like to write at least start with 3 things that you have learned in a day, 3 things that you are grateful for and 3 things that you wanna change, I used to called it 333 method, it gives you an idea how to be so grateful and positive mindset even if the day when not so great, which is very normal but try to find something to stay positive is the whole concept of writing.

Another way to appreciate your body or health do yoga and exercise. Also work on diet, which I believe is important too, but we usually don’t consider it as a part of spiritual journey. As I mentioned I am still learning and working on this journey. People who experienced can relate it is not easy you need strength and positivity.

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